Your Workplace work for your People

So with the arrival of 2017 we can safely say that many of us will begin to share where we work with a wider age range of people than ever before!

With retirement ages fading into the future and the firm arrival of the “millennials” generation into the workplace how do we make sure that as employers we are doing what we can to attract, accommodate and retain the best people. Once we attract them how do we create an experience that will allow them and your company to grow?!

The experience is not just about the space itself! It needs to accommodate things like how and where work gets done, how people interact and accommodate differences in time zones and how the transition from home to work and home again is made making the whole “going to work” thing fit conveniently into our lives.

Here are 3 key areas to consider

Know your people and what they need

The Workplace is not just “the workplace”

Make it functional but give it some Wow

Knowing your people

As well as understanding the functions of the business it’s important to understand where the people who have to carry these tasks fit into that. What affects them? Happiness, engagement and social networks are all areas that are current and require some consideration. Improving culture and connectivity in the office adds to an experience and it seems regardless of being 16 or 86 there is little differentiation in what is preferred.

The Workplace

For a few years we have understood that through technology the ability to work almost anywhere is infinite. We have been through the trends in flexible working that have had varying degrees of success but it is now generally accepted that the Work place can be seen as an effective epicentre of where work can be done effectively and a wider environment where relations ships and collaborations can flourish!

People are actually attracted to the workplace even more to perform certain functions and tasks if it is effectively designed and provided to allow this to happen.

Form follows Function

If we are to create a space that encourages all of the above its crucial to ensure that design considers the removal of as many barriers to this as is possible. It’s crucial that technology is current and works, there are enough spaces to meet, where we are located for commuting is considered and it definitively answers the question of being a place to be “most productive”.

Culture, brand and Environment are intrinsically linked so it’s an opportunity to embody everything your organisation stands for through the space created. Give it some wow, use your brand to empower and really go all out to make sure your people, customers and suppliers shout about your workplace.

Tinto are specialists in Architecture and Interiors. We added the “you” bit to everything we do in 2016 as without you we could not do what we do well. People are at the centre of the universe and will be as long as we are on earth. Regardless of technology, travel and trends the emotional connection between humans won’t be lost…
